The New Ed Sheeran

Are you in the music industry? How good would it be to sign the next Ed Sheeran? If you’re in the industry and you’ve been around long enough, you’ve probably missed out on a couple of great signings that you later kicked yourself for. So, what’s the biggest deal or artist you missed out on?

The Biggest Lost Deal In History

Probably the biggest lost deal in the history of music belongs to Decca Records who infamously turned down The Beatles! It’s astonishing to think how that could have happened isn’t it? I mean after all, The Beatles no doubt presented just like every other band; young, inexperienced and raw and lacking the professional polish that came later once management came on board. But… they had written their first few winning songs, had gigs and their undeniable charm and were just waiting for someone to just stop and listen, cast aside all preconceptions of current trends and recognise the talent sitting right in front of them. Decca only had to take a small gamble of a few grand and they would have soon discovered that they made a very wise investment and now owned the goose that would keep laying golden eggs forevermore. But alas, they knew better, and said no. So much for the “experts” who focus only on the “current thing”. The Beatles  became a worldwide phenomenon soon after their Decca meeting, changed the direction of music forever and created the trend with every new record release. The were the NEW TREND that Decca just couldn’t see.

Who Else Got Turned Down?

Ed Sheeran, is another, by his own admission, who was turned down by dozens of labels in the UK and dismissed as too “ginger and chubby”. Seems ludicrous now doesn’t it?
Did they even stop to listen to his music? No, they were so obsessed with finding the next Beyoncé or Justin Bieber (aka; the current thing at that time) that they missed one of this centuries greatest songwriters and artists. Fools all!

Now it’s your turn for self reflection. What have you missed out on? Which act came to you for help and you dismissed them because they “don’t sound current” or “don’t have the right look” – only for them to go on to great things? Maybe you missed out on Keith Urban, Billie Eilish or Lady Ga Ga because they didn’t fit the mould. Or maybe it’s just some obscure songwriter who now earns $500,000 a year in sync licensing deals that could have formed part of your income stream. Be honest, how many have you missed?

Hot Tip for Industry

Here’s a novel idea for any label and publishing types; with the next music or artist that is presented to you, how about ignoring what they don’t sound or look like – and start listening to what their songs do sound like? For example; is it a good song? Ignore the quality and delivery. IS THE SONG GOOD? Will it last the test of time? Which artist would sound perfect singing this? Let’s sign this guy and pitch it to that artist! It will cost us very little but will secure our right to exploit this phenomenon for years to come if it takes off! Not that hard is it? This is what labels of old did. That’s why it seems like all the real classic songs were written years ago and today’s music is mostly trash (with a few rare exceptions aka; Ed Sheeran). The music executives back then had ears and weren’t afraid to wager a small amount on the possibility of producing a success. These days, labels expect that songs are produced to release standard, recorded in the right studio with the right talent and the artist is already developed with 1 million plus followers on social media. Sorry… but isn’t that their job?

So respectfully, on behalf of all unsigned artists and songwriters, if you are a record label, publisher or promoter, I suggest you take off your blinkers; and as The Doobie Brothers’ proclaimed, stop and really listen to the music!

So Who’s Next?

Now, since you’ve read this far and assuming you are in fact in the music industry, how would you like a shot at not missing another artist/ songwriter who may prove to be a very wise investment for you?

At the time of this writing, Stevie J Mayer is unsigned. He is prolific in that he’s written over 200 songs and is releasing one each week (see releases here). But it’s all under the radar, for now. That means any label or publisher who is not consumed and controlled by music industry group-think and hunting for the next “current thing” has a real opportunity to sign an unheard of, prolific songwriter who can write in any genre and turnaround material in quick time. Someone who his not in fact new, but is a pro of some 30 years who until very recently, has not focused on getting his songs recorded and published. But now that he is putting it out there, someone is going to hear his material and sign this songwriter. Will it be you that looks back and ponders this lost opportunity (having read this post and dismissed him)? Or will you be celebrating your astuteness on stage at your Grammy’s acceptance speech? Okay, that’s a bit wild, but you get the drift. Anything is possible when great talent and great business minds work together.

Don’t let the next Ed Sheeran slip away. Are you in?

If you want to chat, please get in touch here.

PS: The suggestion that I might be like Ed Sheeran is not of my own making. He is constantly suggested as “you might also like” on the streaming platforms next to my songs. – Stevie J Mayer

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